Creating Image with Rescuezilla

Creating Image with Rescuezilla

- 3 mins


In this guide , I will create my Debian VM’s image with rescuezilla.


1- Bootable Rescuezilla USB.

2- Server/VM.

3- Another Server/VM for saving/storing image over SSH.

Plug Recuezilla image to VM

1- I am using MacOS and UTM/QEMU so If You are using another virtulization engine. You should plug-in Rescuezilla to target VM which is We want to create image.

2- There is a section for attach USB to VM in UTM When you start VM you can transfer memory from your host machine.


3- While VM booting up press ESC and change your boot options for using USB boot.

4- While Rescuezilla booting up It will ask you Language and start options.

5- Start Rescuezilla and You will able to see Rescuezilla desktop environment.


6- Once Rescuezilla booted up It will start the Rescuezilla program.

Backup VM’s Image

1- Rescuezilla has basic UI and there are couple of diffrent options.

2- Today We will create/snapshot an image so We should choose Backup

3- When You click Backup, Recuezilla will scan all disks/drivers on the VM (USB plugged device).


4- As you can see I have QEMU disk , It is my VM’s device that I want to create image.

5- After We choose target device. Rescuezilla will show us all partitions on the disk. We should choose partitions to save.


6- In that part I will not change anything and I will click next.

7- We are at STEP 3 Now We need to select destination drive which will store the image.

8- I want to store/save my image in another VM , so I will choose Shared over a network option, You may want to store the image in an USB but for this option You need to attach another USB to the VM.

9- If you want to share over network there are diffrent options for it too.

10- I have already a VM and SSH service is running. I will use SSH option.


11- If You will use SSH make sure You have not accessing issue. I have also created a folder for storing the image.


12- Here is my destination VM’s configs


13- Now We are ready for create the image , just click next and wait until Rescuezilla mount process.


14- We are at STEP 4 , You can choose destination folder for saving image since I have already define it I will click next.

15- At STEP 5 We can rename or image name Rescuezilla uses DATE-img-rescuezilla default. I will rename it as debian10 since My VM is debian10.


16- STEP 6 Now We should choose our image’s type (compressed or not). I will use gzip so It will be fast. It depends on your requirement You may choose different options.


17- STEP 7 Rescuezilla will confirm our configurations and also there is a check-box for filesystem check You can ignore fsck for your partitions Rescuezilla will check FS as default.


18- STEP 8 and now Rescuezilla has started to create image. We can choose completed task action Do nothing, Shutdown or Reboot.


19- If you want to make sure the image is creating, You can check target Server/VM/Destination.


Thanks for reading…

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Guneycan Sanli.

Guneycan Sanli

Guneycan Sanli

A person who like learning, music, travelling and sports.

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