Jenkins Docker Agent with Python and Pipeline Configuration

Jenkins Docker Agent with Python and Pipeline Configuration

- 4 mins

Jenkins Docker Agent with Python and Pipeline Configuration


In this guide, we will set up a Jenkins Docker agent, push the custom Docker image to Docker Hub, configure Jenkins to use this agent, and implement a Jenkins pipeline. This approach is beneficial for dynamic scaling and using isolated environments for builds.

Benefits of Using Docker Containers as Jenkins Agents:


  1. Jenkins Master: A Jenkins Master server already installed and running.
  2. Docker: Docker installed on the machine where the Jenkins agents will run.
  3. Docker Hub: A Docker Hub account for pushing and pulling Docker images.
  4. GitHub Repository: A repository to store your Jenkinsfile (SSCM pipeline).

Step 1: Build the Docker Agent Image / Creating the Docker image for our Jenkins Agent/Worker Node

Create a Dockerfile that installs Python3 and the Docker CLI to be used in the Jenkins agent. Below is the Dockerfile you can use:


FROM jenkins/agent:alpine-jdk17

USER root

RUN apk add python3

RUN apk add py3-pip

USER jenkins


Build and Push the Image to Docker Hub

  1. Build the Docker image using the following command:

    docker build -t jenkins-python-image:python .

  2. Tag the image for Docker Hub:

    docker tag jenkinsagent:python gnyscnsnli/jenkinsagent:python


  1. Login to Docker Hub:

    docker login

  2. Push the image to Docker Hub:

    docker push gnyscnsnli/jenkinsagent:python


Step 2: Configure Jenkins Cloud for Docker Agent

Now, configure Jenkins to use the Docker agent image as part of its cloud setup.

  1. Go to Jenkins Dashboard > Manage Jenkins > Configure System.
  2. Scroll to Cloud and click Add a new cloud > Choose Docker.
  3. Configure Docker Host:
    • Docker Host URI: tcp://<your_docker_host_ip>:4243
    • Enabled: Check this box.
  4. Add Docker Agent Template:
    • Labels: docker-agent-python-alpine
    • Docker Image: gnyscnsnli/jenkinsagent:python
    • Remote FS Root: /home/jenkins/agent
  5. Set the agent to Use this node as much as possible.



Step 3: Create Jenkins Pipeline Using SSCM

Here’s an example of a Jenkins pipeline that will run on the Docker agent configured above. First example

Jenkinsfile (Pipeline) from GitHub / Setting Up a Jenkins Pipeline for My Python Project on GitHub

Alright, so here’s the plan. We’ve got a Python project in GitHub, complete with a Jenkinsfile right in the repository. The Jenkinsfile is crucial because it’s where we define the steps our pipeline will follow—like checking out the code, setting up a virtual environment, running tests, and deploying if everything looks good.

  1. Triggers: Automating Builds

    • GitHub Hook Trigger: This is our main trigger. Every time we push code to GitHub, it pings Jenkins to start a build. Super efficient!
    • Poll SCM (Backup Check): If GitHub’s webhook doesn’t work, Jenkins will poll the repository at intervals. Right now, it’s set to * * * * *, which means every minute. But Jenkins recommends H * * * * to check hourly instead—a more reasonable setting.
  2. Pipeline Definition: Source and Script

    • Pipeline Script from SCM: Jenkins will pull the build instructions directly from our GitHub repo.
    • Repo URL: We set the URL to, and leave credentials blank (assuming the repo is public).
    • Branch and Jenkinsfile: We’re targeting the master branch and setting the path to our Jenkinsfile. This file holds all the steps Jenkins needs to build, test, and deploy the project.
  3. Efficient Checkout

    • Lightweight Checkout: Only the Jenkinsfile is fetched instead of the whole repo. This speeds up the process, especially with larger repositories.
  4. Here is my pipeline configuration




  5. Make sure Your git repo is public. Here is my project python-jenkins


Run Pipeline

  1. Once you completed the steps You can trigger your pipeline…



By following these steps, you have successfully created a Jenkins Docker agent with Python, configured it in Jenkins, and set up a Jenkins pipeline. This setup provides a scalable, customizable, and efficient CI/CD environment.

You can copy this directly into your project, making sure to replace placeholders like <your_docker_host_ip> with your actual values!

Thanks for reading…

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Guneycan Sanli.

Guneycan Sanli

Guneycan Sanli

A person who like learning, music, travelling and sports.

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