Zellij: A Modern Terminal Multiplexer for Linux

Zellij: A Modern Terminal Multiplexer for Linux

- 6 mins

Zellij - A Fresh Take on Terminal Multiplexing

If you use Linux a lot, especially for coding or server stuff, you probably know how useful terminal multiplexers are. They help you manage multiple terminal sessions inside one window. However temrinal multiplexers are not my favourite tools I mostly use default terminals OS has but some default terminals have not multi window features so You have to open 2 diffrent windows side by side.

One of the newer and more exciting terminal multiplexers out there is Zellij. It’s open-source, easy to use, and packed with cool features that make terminal work smoother.

NOTE: My seraches showed me there were couple of bug/s Zellij has like Memory leak (High memory usage, Growing Memory usage) but seems like that bug fixed with latest relase.

Unlike older tools like tmux or screen, Zellij has a fresh approach with an easy-to-learn keybinding system, built-in layouts, and support for plugins.

The official repo for Zellij is on GitHub. You can find and cehck latest developers updates.

Why Use Zellij?

Installing Zellij on Linux

You can install Zellij using your distro’s package manager:

sudo apt install zellij         # Debian, Ubuntu, Mint
sudo sudo snap install zellij --classic #For newer Ubuntu distros 
sudo dnf install zellij         # RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Rocky, AlmaLinux
sudo emerge -a sys-apps/zellij  # Gentoo
sudo apk add zellij             # Alpine
sudo pacman -S zellij           # Arch Linux
sudo zypper install zellij      # OpenSUSE
sudo pkg install zellij         # FreeBSD

If you can’t find a package, download the latest binary:

wget https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij/releases/download/v0.41.2/zellij-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
tar -xvf zellij-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
chmod +x zellij

To make it available system-wide:

sudo mv zellij /usr/local/bin/

Install via Cargo

If you have Rust installed, you can get Zellij with Cargo:

cargo install zellij

You can find latest relase here Zellij-v0.41.2

Run Zellij Without Installing

If you just wanna try it without installing:

bash <(curl -L https://zellij.dev/launch)           # Bash/Zsh
bash (curl -L https://zellij.dev/launch | psub)     # Fish

Getting Started

Once installed, just run:



You’ll get an option to choose keybinding modes. If you’re new, stick with Default Mode since it’s simpler.


Basic Commands






Using Layouts

Layouts are text files that define an arrangement of Zellij panes and tabs. You can create your own by editing .kdl files (Zellij uses KDL format for configs).


// layout_file.kdl

layout {
    pane split_direction="vertical" {
        pane command="htop"

A layout can be applied when Zellij starts:

zellij --layout /path/to/layout_file.kdl
zellij --layout /path/to/layout_file.kdl
zellij --layout https://example.com/layout_file.kdl




Layout default directory

zellij --layout [layout_name]

Managing Sessions

Zellij lets you manage multiple sessions like other multiplexers.

List active sessions:

zellij list-sessions

Attach to a session:

zellij attach session_name

Customizing Zellij

Config file is at:


To change prefix keybinding from Ctrl + o to Ctrl + b, add this:

keybind {
    prefix "Ctrl-b"

Plugins & Extensions

Zellij has a plugin system, allowing you to extend functionality. Plugins can be written in any language and interact via the Zellij API.


Zellij is a modern alternative to tmux and screen, making it easier to manage terminal sessions. With intuitive keybindings, layouts, and plugin support, it’s a great tool for developers, sysadmins, and power users.

Give it a shot and level up your terminal game! 🚀

Thanks for reading…

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Guneycan Sanli.

Guneycan Sanli

Guneycan Sanli

A person who like learning, music, travelling and sports.

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